Hello all
What a great day for tennis. I think that the competition displayed today was the best I have ever seen at the Georgian Bay Finals.
The results from today are:
Girls Singles
1. Gregoris SJO
2. Fraser HTR
3. Brown JOA
4. Ossipov BC
Girls Doubles
1. Christos & Cornaby Bant
2. Ens & Evans L.C
3. Long & Dobson PFO
4. Timpano & Buffone JOA
Mixed Doubles
1. Kennedy & Annecca PET
2. Granulo & Langer OSS
3. Aubry & Jeffrey CCI
4. Rubes & Sproule JVA
Boys Singles
1. Ianniello East
2. Hendriks East
3. Hennig BC
4. Fellman HTR
Boys Doubles
1. Burke & Goetz East
2. MacLean & MacLean Brad
3. Jelinek & Lewandowski JOA
4. Lorenz & Gillespie SJO
The overall Georgian Bay Champion for Senior Tennis 2019 is Eastview with 11 points. Second is tied between SJO and JOA with 5 points.
Thanks to convenor Jason Boose for hosting the GBSSA Tennis Championship and for submitting this report!